Wednesday, November 13, 2013

You are your frequency!

Every thought and feeling has got its own frequency of energy. Feeling of anger, sorrow and hatred are all part of a lower frequency of energy. Feeling of love and happiness hold a higher frequency of energy. Like a radio that can get tuned to a different frequency of waves, we as a human can get tuned into different frequencies. Can you experience love and hatred together? Impossible... Right? But, you can experience both! What it means is, you have the ability to experience different frequencies of energy!

We can control the radio to make it receive a specific station by tuning it into a specific frequency. In the same way, we have the option to get tuned into a higher or a lower frequency. When you are tuned into a higher frequency, you feel optimistic and motivated with full of love.

With meditation and the use of crystals you have the option to get tuned into a higher frequency of energy. The frequency of our planet is on an increase. So, it is getting easier to experience higher frequencies.

Every food substance has a specific frequency. In general, a vegetarian diet has a higher frequency of energy compared to non-veg. You may have to adjust your food listening to your intuition and knowing how the body feels.

Staying tuned to a higher frequency and grounding it properly makes you stay with the flow of life, in a joyful manner.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Grounding higher frequencies for physical transformation

Grounding the higher frequencies of energy through the physical body is the secret to transform the physical body. As the physical body gets tuned to a higher frequency of energy, the diseases get healed and the mind becomes more beautiful, radiating divine joy.

Our solar system has already entered a photon band which is of a very high frequency. So, this is time for everyone to get tuned to a higher frequency of energy with ease. There will be a rapid spiritual evolution and everyone will start radiating more love and joy, transcending the limitations of the human mind.

If you would like to increase the frequency of your mind-body complex, using stones like amethyst and tanzanite would help a lot. Using amethyst in combination with moldavite will increase your frequency in a wonderful manner. If you are not able to feel the subtle energy, working consciously on your energy body is required. Kriya pranayama opens up the channel along the spine, making you sensitive to the subtle energy. Vipassana is also a wonderful practice to make you sensitive to energy. Sexual fluids get converted into subtle form of energy and moves along the spine. So, it is necessary to master some ways of cultivation and utilization of the sexual fluids, not wasting it. It is the most refined physical substance in our body, which can immediately get converted into subtle energy that would feed our subtler bodies. To have more information, you may download and read the free copy of my booklet Celibacy and Spiritual Life.

If you are already very sensitive to energy, you can use the crystals and get tuned to higher frequencies of energy very easily. Getting tuned to the higher frequency of energy and grounding it properly is the only way to transform the body, making it capable of holding more light. In that process, our consciousness expands and we realize our true multidimensional nature.

Sometimes, you may feel comfortable only with a higher frequency stone. At times, you may feel like using both a high frequency stone and a grounding stone. When your vibration increases to a new high, you may want to wear only a grounding stone. Smoky quartz is a wonderful stone to bring down the energy from sahasrara and ground it properly, keeping you connected to the higher frequencies. If that grounding is not enough for you, you should add another stone like black tourmaline or hematite. If you stay in a very high frequency, not grounding the energy properly, you shall have problem being present in the physical world and it would have a negative impact on your health. You can also walk bare foot on earth to ground the energies easily. Swimming is also a good way to get grounded.

Staying in tune with the higher frequencies and being grounded in the physical body is the target. Follow your intuition and select stones accordingly.

We are all in a wonderful stage of transformation. Enjoy the time on planet earth!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A must read, if you are not able to ground your energy!

A proper grounding is necessary to lead a healthy life on this physical plane and
meditation, standing, god
evolve spiritually. A higher frequency of energy enters through the crown chakra from above the head. That energy has to pass through your energy meridian and get grounded in the mother earth. If this does not happen, then, your grounding mechanism is not working properly.

Symptoms of poor grounding include the following

- Easily getting irritated
- Not able to handle people or situations
- Highly sensitive to other people's energies (and not feeling comfortable)
- Not even able to drive with concentration
- The whole world seems to fight you (you are not able to flow with life)
- At extreme situations, you dont feel like walking on the ground
- Poor metabolism and loss of appettite
- Easily getting exhausted

The following measures will help you properly ground the higher energies and make your life pleasant and fun.

- At a subtler level, doing kriya pranayama and practice of techniques like   Vipassana  (Goenka style) will greatly help, as they help to open up all the energy blocks and make you balanced.

- Use of grounding crystals like black tourmaline, hematite and smokey quartz shall help

Sometimes, working at a gross level helps immediately and sometimes working at a subtler level seems to help more. But, try both.

If you can diagnose where the block is, you can work more effectively. If the block is around solar plexus, there will be a lack of will power and a poor appetite. If the block is around heart chakra, you shall have problem expressing and receiving love. Most of the time, strengthening the solar plexus energizes the whole of the body and helps in clearing the blocks. For doing that, concentrate on your food. Eat healthy food. More fruits and fresh vegetables will help. Using crystals like citrine will also greatly help. Walking on bare foot on the ground will also help. Walking bare foot, having a proper food and doing exercise are all part of the gross ways to bring impact at a subtler level.

There is a practice in India to chew beetel leaf, areca nut and lime after meals. It is a wonderful practice to digest the food, bring a proper acid-base balance and improve health. You could even try that. From my personal experience, this helps a lot to improve the health. Check out the medicinal properties of beetel leaves. The list is long!

Most of the answers for your problems has to come deep inside from you. When you become aware of your problem, you gradually start getting solutions, if you are receptive. You shall be naturally getting intuitive answers, guidance from some other people, you may happen to read more about that, etc... Just keep the question in some part of your mind and you shall start finding answers everywhere..

When there is a proper grounding and the energy flows unhindered from the top of your head to your feet and then to the earth, you feel a nice flow with the life and you start enjoying life. There is always some higher guidance. If you ask, you shall be helped. There are spirit guides ready to help you. You can try sitting in a meditative pose and request your spirit guide to clear your energy blocks and bring more light and love into your being. Just observe and allow the work to happen. Using crystals like amethyst will help you become more sensitive to energy, by opening the higher chakras. Amethyst in combination with moldavite will increase your frequency and you shall feel more love and higher guidance. If you are not able to ground such a high frequency, using grounding crystals shall help.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Proper combination of crystals for healing and spiritual progress

If you are using a single gemstone and you are
comfortable with it, then it is very
simple and effective. If you are not thrown out of balance (happens in the case of high vibration crystals) and at the same time get a feel that the crystal is really working effectively, you need not bother about combinations.

But if you are required to combine crystals, then its elemental energies need to be kept in mind to make sure that the crystal works in you properly and you derive the highest benefit. Having experienced the power of crystals, one may get a desire to make it more powerful and progress faster on the path. So, the combination may help you at such times. But one should keep in mind that one good stone is more effective than a combination of a few stones that is improper.

The elements - earth, water, fire and air determine our health and spiritual progress. When these elements go out of balance, we fall sick. When we know how to use them properly, we progress faster on our path.

A same crystal may not have the same level of impact on different persons. It is because, the elemental constitution of individuals are different. It is also due to the fact that each individual will have different levels of inner purity (in the subtler body). As one meditates, the energy channels gets opened up and one could feel the energy easily. The environment also has got something to do. In warm places, the fire element dominates and in cold places, the water element dominates. It is also true that the same crystal will not have the same impact on you as you progress. It shall intensify and change. It is because you evolve and your energy body changes. So, there seems to be a lot of factors. But, just to make it simple, the general rule of combination (of the crystal) is to combine, fire with air and earth with water.

Sometimes a crystal/stone may have more than one elemental energies. At such times, it is best to try and feel how it works on you and then take a decision. Just feel it and go ahead.

Sometimes I combine pyrite and black tourmaline. Pyrite has predominantly fire energy (it also has earth element) and black tourmaline has strong earth component. They get along with me. You can also combine crystals of the same component. It will be powerful. Just make sure you are balanced. Many strong meditative stones have air element. But most of the grounding stones have earth element. So, sometimes you have to combine air and earth.

But the water and fire never get along. Other than the general rule of combination (fire+air; water+earth), combinations like earth and fire may be good on you or may not be, depending on your individual constitution and your environment. If you are sensitive to the work of crystals, you can easily feel whether they do any good or not. Wear the crystal/crystals, sit for a meditation and decide. Sometimes, a combination may throw you out of balance after a few days.. ha ha.. As the days pass, they seem to work more powerfully. Just follow your intuition...

There are many internet sources available to tell you the element of the crystal/stone. The book of stones is a good reference. The following link may also help you (in that page, click the name of the crystal to read more about it)

The Pocket Book of Stones

Good luck!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Crystals for Spiritual Development

Crystals have special energy that can help us on the path of spiritual progress. Each crystal has a specific frequency which can be used in our favour. For a proper meditation to happen, the energy channels in our body needs to be clear without blocks. In some of the yogic techniques like Kriya yoga, kriya pranayama is done before sitting and enjoying the meditative state. As you advance on the path of yoga, meditation happens on its own as you sit down. Whether you are an advanced practitioner or a starter on the path, crystals can help you progress faster.

I do not know how exactly the crystals work. All I know is, they work for sure. Amethyst is the first crystal I tried. When I tried it, the energy started moving up towards the ajna. I was surprised to see such an intense energy movement without any effort. That made me explore more crystals.

How to use the crystals
The best way to use any crystal is to wear it continuously or according to the need. If you do not like to wear it as an ornament, you can even keep it in your pocket. If it is close to the body, it is better.
It is better to wear a single crystal if you are a starter, until you know intuitively the best ways of combining different crystals. It takes time for the body to get adjusted to the frequency of the crystal. It may take a few days to a week for you to start sensing the efficiency of the crystal.

To attain a meditative state, you can start with Amethyst as I did or you can select the crystal that attracts you. Each crystal has a different property. As you read the properties of the crystal and see its photograph, you may be attracted to the crystal that you require. Or you can go to a shop that sells crystals, to see them and feel them to decide. Whatever crystal you start with, wear it at all times or keep it in your pocket. It will continue to work on you the whole day. If you sit calm in the meditative pose and observe its work, it will take you to a deeper meditative state.

Cleansing the crystals
It is a must to cleanse the crystal when you buy it for the first time. It may have some negative energies that it might have attracted from the previous user or during the shipping process. Holding the crystal in the running water for a few minutes with the intention of cleaning it is a simple way of doing it. You can also leave it in the moon light for a few nights to cleanse and charge the crystal. Submerging it in sea salt for a few hours is also a good way of cleansing the negative energies.

The impact of crystals
The impact of the crystals may not be same on everyone. It depends on the individual. If you are already into meditation and your energy channels are open, you shall feel the efficiency of the crystal immediately. You can just sit and observe the energy movements and it will take you to a deep state of meditation. If you are new to meditation, you continue with your regular meditation and the crystals will help you in the progress.

The importance of grounding
If the energy continuously stays in the upper chakras, you may feel spaced out and may not be able to be present in the worldly activities. At such times, it is good to get the help of grounding crystals like hematite or black tourmaline. For some, just touching the grounding crystal seems to work. Some wear it all the time. I prefer to wear it for a day or two when I feel not grounded. You have to follow your intuition.

Crystals select you
It is generally said that the crystals select you. They attract you towards them and get into your life for your highest good. As you start with, you shall know the efficiency of the crystals. Good luck!
Update: Using amethyst and hematite (amethyst works in higher chakras and hematite brings grounding) together at the same time brings a greater balance. You can wear this combination at all times. After experimenting with different crystals/stones like rhodizite, phenacite, herkimer, tanzanite... the combination of amethyst and hematite is my favourite. If you are using crystals for any therapeutic value, you should select accordingly. The combination I suggest if for spiritual development and a balanced life.