Thursday, April 14, 2011

Meditate for a revolution

We are interested in having a better living environment around. To achieve it, we work in different ways, in different sectors, at different scales, individually or collectively. The activities may be focused on global warming, organic farming, pollution, health.... The list is endless. What we basically try to do is trying to bring some change in the attitude or the working nature of the individual or a collective.

For example, to bring down industrial pollution, the industries are asked to use right means of handling the pollutants from their industry. For health concerns, the individuals are asked not to use health retarding addictive.

So every development communication or a green concern is focused around an individual. When the focus is on transforming the individual, what could the impact of meditation be?

Acting wise

We cannot expect a donkey to give output like a horse when it comes to race. In a similar manner, to become better-makers of this world, we need to be better beings, with elevated goals and objectives. This could be achieved through meditation, which deals mainly with the mind. When we need to control the direction of movement in a big boat, we need not jump into the water and try to change its direction. It would be much easier to control the big boat by steering its wheel.

In a similar manner, to bring the change in the human being who would give a holistic output, we need to work with the mind of an individual, which is made possible through meditation. Thus, individual transformation, leads to transformation of the society and creates a peaceful environment to live in.

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